About Us

Our Mission

Sponsor A Mind Build A Life (SAMBAL) was established to provide charitable assistance to children who are disadvantaged due to war, poverty, natural disasters and other calamities primarily in Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

We partner with organizations around the globe to identify children in need and develop coordinated efforts to nurture their physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth. Through sponsorships and program donations from individuals like you, SAMBAL builds lives and empowers underprivileged children to reach their full potential.


In many parts of South Asia, rice and sambal is a staple food--the Eastern equivalent of bread and butter. A spicy side dish made with chilli peppers, sambal is eaten from Sri Lanka to Malaysia by young and old and considered the bare minimum for a regular meal.

We believe that every child should be afforded a daily bit of rice and sambal but also the sustenance to develop socially, intellectually and emotionally despite their hardships. By feeding a mouth and feeding a mind, SAMBAL builds a child's path to a better life.

Vision and Values

SAMBAL commits to fostering children’s:

- Physical development by supplying food, medical care, clothing and shelter.

- Intellectual development by providing education and preparing children to reach economic self-sufficiency.

- Emotional development by addressing children’s emotional well-being and encouraging their self-esteem.

- Social development by promoting an environment where children learn community responsibility and are treated with empathy, integrity, fairness and respect.


In many parts of South Asia, rice and sambal is a staple food--the Eastern equivalent of bread and butter. A spicy side dish made with chilli peppers, sambal is eaten from Sri Lanka to Malaysia by young and old and considered the bare minimum for a regular meal.

We believe that every child should be afforded a daily bit of rice and sambal but also the sustenance to develop socially, intellectually and emotionally despite their hardships. By feeding a mouth and feeding a mind, SAMBAL builds a child's path to a better life.